Posts tagged india
Ether | The Fifth Element

These collection of textiles by Sayali Goyal is a contemporary, abstract interpretation of the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether that are often venerated for sacred meanings embedded in them. They are believed to form the basis of human life and the cosmos while also serving as a bridge between the worldly and divine realms.

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edit, projectssayali goyalindia
In conversation with Urvashi Kaur

Fashion at its core, is related to the most fundamental act of self-expression and identity. It is perhaps the most powerful function of self care. As long as we feel the need to express ourselves, we will need fashion since the desire to convey emotion and communicate through the act of clothing is inherent and hard wired in humans.

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interviewssayali goyalindia
Saffron Pilgrimage

Following a flight, a car ride, a walk and then a chopper, we reached our destination. Jammu, a city mostly visited by spiritual travelers, is located in the western part of the northern most state of India, Jammu and Kashmir .A coolie whispers ‘ghode loge?’( “would you like a horse?”) in my ears and a most overpowering smell of horse poop fills my nose and then my face. I see sharp-jawed Himalayan men carrying people’s bags, taming horses and even lifting older men and women. There are many shops on both the sides of the road, all selling red netted fabric to offer to the goddess in a cave on top of the hill with coconuts and sweets in a jute bag.

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travelsayali goyalindiaComment
Jaipur, the design capital of India

Jaipur, the City of Pink, resplendent with history and culture, never fails to charm you. Once the modus operandi of the Mughals and the Rajputs, this city is filled with archaic monuments that engrave the streets with remnants of the past while buzzing with art and craft forms that keep many a creative seeking for more. What used to be a slow paced charming city is today a creator’s sought after hub for experimenting with and delving into the world of craft and textiles rooted in tradition and indigeneity.

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444 | A collection of wearable art

Sayali’s collection interprets the world through energy and its transformation from thought to action, action to knowledge. The element-inspired art of this collection speaks a universal language through the visual manifestation of earthly and cosmic phenomena. It relays meaning through sacred geometry -- simple forms and lines that hold within them the meaning of life and cosmic truth. Art becomes a medium of interpreting the world, powerful enough to stir the consciousness.

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Materials and World Trade | Then and Now

Textiles have been intertwined with the advancement of human civilization and everyday living for ages. From sacred rituals and surface decoration to daily attire – their usage has been widespread. Textiles and spices were the primary commodities forming part of international commerce in the pre-industrial period. In those days, India was renowned for its textile quality and efficient trade practices with Far and Southeast Asia. The unique status acquired by Indian textiles is evident in the fact that many words like calico, pajama, gingham, dungaree, chintz, and khaki entered the English language.

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What Colour is Jaipur?

When Sawai Jai Singh II founded Jaipur, he dreamt of creating a city emulating Delhi’s Red Fort. Pink, we are told, is the generic colour of Indian hospitality. The sandstone and terracotta havelis speak of a place saturated with tales of the past. If storytelling had a colour, it would resemble a prism breaking out into the colours of Jaipur’s shops and stalls and alleys and ateliers. A riot, and no less.

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Havelis of Shekhawati with Neemrana

The Piramal Haveli in Baggar is a small but stunning Rajasthani-Italianate structure, approximately 40 kilometres closer from other hotels in Rajasthan. It was built in 1928 with a large open garden and two pillared courtyards painted with colourfully kitsch frescoes of flying angels, aeroplanes, and gods in motor cars. These unique characteristics of the restored Piramal Haveli, make it distinct from the other hotels in Shekhawati region.

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Getaway to Amanbagh | Garden of Peace

The name ‘Amanbagh’ translates to ‘a peaceful garden’ in Hindi. Situated in Alwar, the space is an oasis for the world-weary soul as it invites you to pause. We took out time to stroll through the lush expanses of the retreat that are a treat to any nature lover or seeker of respite. The architecture is traditionally inspired yet refreshingly modern. Inspite of the imposing historical landscape it is set in, we made the space our own, and discovered corners for peaceful reflection.

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spacesayali goyalindiaComment